HIIT Workout

A women’s HIIT Class in Earlham

HIIT in Earlham

Tuesdays 9th January to 26th March 2024


West Earlham Junior School, NR5 8HT

Come to one or all. No sign-up required

Mats provided. Voluntary contribution £3

What is HIIT?

HIIT is a high intensity class suitable for all fitness levels. This class is ideal for increasing overall fitness and endurance, improving muscular strength, and burning calories to help aid fat loss. If you’re short on time, this is a good class to attend to get a full body workout finishing off with a Pilates style stretch and relaxation along with a short christian reflection for the day.

Dress in comfortable, breathable non-restrictive clothing. It may be helpful to bring a towel to freshen up and a water bottle to hydrate.